But no pics to share. The baby is fine, heart beating, kicking, practice breathing, there is enough water for the baby to be happy, but not quite enough water to get a good view of the baby's face, so we got some pretty skeletal looking headshots that are not quite worthy of sharing. The ultrasound doctor is an older british feller with a very austin poweresque accent. He said that the "fetal portraiture" was "rather grim" at this stage. Due date is monday 10/13, seems like little baby nog is holding on for a bit longer.
Elena is pretty much spending 80% of the day in the rocker recliner and we are enjoying the baseball playoffs as well as getting a huge dose of cable movies (How good a movie is Underworld? You cannot quantify it, that's how good it is!). On the baseball front Elena especially enjoys the antics of Jonathan Paplebon, while I am unamused by the prospect of the Redsox in the series, so go Rays. Elena's top three playoff people to watch are Paplebon, big papi and "predator" (manny ramirez). She likes the absurdity of Big Papi running and is also amused by the submariner Justin Masterson.