Sunday, April 19, 2009

Raging Jumper Madness and other videos

Raging jumper madness:

Rolly polly baby:


Jin Aili said...

that blinky flashy singing squeaking jumper thing is insane!

Tarik Saleh said...

No kidding. It was an excellent almost unused hand me down from a co-worker. It is difficult to get kids stuff without lots of overstimulating crap, the kids seem to like it though. Just so you know, the jumper things like this seem more fun than the "exersaucer" (look the same, but are not suspended from above) which the aida and other kids don't quite get at a young age. My coworker's daughter hated this, but Aida loves it, mostly as she loves jumping. The bungy baby bouncer seen in earlier posts is a huge hit....

nelwyn said...

i'm doing a cute backflip!
we have that same jumperoo! lucca loved it too.
seriously, i want to eat your baby. she looks delicious.

Gwyneth and Matt said...

Hey - speaking of the bungy baby bouncer - we have one of those and are eager to try it out, but are not sure if Iris is old enough yet. When did you start Aida in hers?

Elena said...

She started quite early . . . I think 3 months . . . but really it was when she could hold her head and neck up well and wasn't floppy. She didn't "jump" right away. She sort of pushed herself around until she got the hang of it. If she's holding herself up while you carry her . . . try it!

Gwyneth Jones said...

So. We put the johnny jump-up together and put her in it the other night. She did not hate it. However, she looked like she was drowning in it - I'll post a photo - pretty ridiculous. So even though I think she's basically ready developmentally, she's physically too small. We'll try again in a few weeks. :)